Welcome. Canoe52 is an exciting adventure that Amanda and Tony can’t wait to share with you.
We love things that rhyme, and when we decided to canoe all 50 states in the US we weren’t satisfied with Canoe50 so we added two more locations. Over time we’ll be canoeing all 50 states, plus Washington DC and Puerto Rico. We’ll be doing as much as we can with our own Old Town canoe strapped to the car. Expect road trips, camping trips along some of the magnificent rivers and lakes around the country, and lots of tips about paddling around our home region of New England.

Amanda loves adventure and meeting new people. She’s a historian and artist looking to explore what the United States has to offer. Amanda is an infamous procrastinator at just about everything except for trip planning. Finding the best vegan meals in every new city is one of her specialties. Keep an eye out for her posts about prepping for trips, packing your bags and your car, camp food, and anything else from her point of view in the bow (front) seat.

The stern seat offers a unique perspective of your canoe, paddling partner, and surroundings. Tony’s passion for paddling dates back to childhood and he is excited to experience the nation’s waterways and waterbodies. As a teacher and historian, Tony looks forward to taking in America’s natural, built and cultural environment. He is a foodie and connoisseur of places who enjoys local fare and local flare. Look for his posts about connecting to the environment, highlights of anything #historynerdy, and the dos and don’ts of navigating from the aft (back) of the vessel.

Rigby is a sweet Portuguese Water Dog. She is true to her breed’s name and loves the water. She’s notorious for her constant need to be in the canoe and finding ways to turn her white paws into brown paws. Rigby loves playing fetch and being on top of her humans as much as possible. She’s a great campsite watch dog and all-around amazing travel companion.
We’re always looking for suggestions on where to go next. If you have any tips you’d like to share about places you’ve canoed or beautiful bodies of water in your home state please let us know. You can drop us a line on our Contact page.